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Photo and Video Waiver
2021 - 2022

This Parent/Student Contract is a legal contract between Rhythmic Angels Rhythmic Gymnastic School and Parent/Student, claimed parties for this Contract, for private individual and gymnastic group classes provided by the Rhythmic Angels Inc. School to the Student.



Contract term - the term of commitment is per 4 semesters (the 1st semester Fall 1; the 2nd semester Fall 2 ; the 3rd semester Winter; and 4th semester Spring, duration of the nine weeks base, and the contract is to begin upon the actual first class, until the last week of classes for the year, in which student is enrolled. Each student is afforded the possibility of opting out of classes after the first actual class, but once the student attends the second class, the semester commitment is engaged and financial responsibility is assumed.


Scheduling - Classes are offered weekly for either 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes time slots, depending on the assessed level and development of the Student. The length of the class remains the same, regardless of late arrival by the student. Each student is designated a specific, ongoing weekly day and time class, which has been reserved exclusively for Student. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, unless otherwise arranged in advance with the School. The School can cancel classes due to low number of students with advance notice.


Tuition - The school year runs from September to June. Enrollment is for the school year. The school year is divided into four billing cycles, or “semesters.” Each semester is 9 weeks. Tuition is due at registration, then again  for Fall 2, Winter and Spring. Due dates will be communicated and billing notices/reminders will be sent by email. Late fee is $25.


There will be Christmas Show in December and Year-End Show in May or June, participation fee is $30 per gymnast.  The shows will be conducted and TBD per COVID-19 guidance.


Payment - payment is expected for the whole amount of the Semester, whichever semester comes first, and it has to be fully paid prior to the beginning of classes. Acceptable methods of payments are by credit card, personal check or cash.


For PRE-TEAM members only - The cost of fees for participation in a team groups on festivals, evaluations, competitions, and other performance activities, which may be arranged few times a year, is paid separately, depending on the time and capacity of participation of the Student in performing routines. Participation in the team groups will be announced by the decision of the staff members of the School, based on achievements, performing qualities, and attendance of the Student.


School Closures - The School will be closed for the most major US holidays, and during extreme weather conditions. Please refer to the School handbook and a trimester schedule.



Dress Code – Wellbeing and flexibility are most important, and a leotard is the main piece of clothing for girls. Older girls may also want to wear a sports bra. If your daughter feels self-conscious in a leotard, they can wear athletic or compression shorts over it, as well as a tight-fitting T-shirt. Avoid zippers or buttons that can catch on anything.

If your daughter has long hair, it should be pulled into a ponytail or bun to keep it out of their face.


Students are responsible to purchase their own outfits, and other apparatus for the classes they are receiving. The staff members will assist in referring students to where they can obtain these items and props, however they are not responsible for providing them personally. Borrowed materials, which have been subsequently lost by Student, may be charged the replacement cost. If the school will be assisting in ordering and obtaining performing outfits for classes, then it should be paid by parents separately, besides of the tuition fees.


School Expectations - Students are expected to:

• Treat the School Teacher, other students and School property respectfully

• Bring required outfits, all necessary apparatus for working in the class

The School will provide Student with verbal or written warnings of breaches in School Expectations, and Student has the opportunity to correct such breaches. Repeated or frequent breaches may result in termination of classes without tuition refund if it is applicable, based on the sole decision of Director.

Parents of 3-5 years old children can’t leave the premises of the school until the end of the class.


Attendance - Students are responsible for their time slot. Students are not expected to attend classes if they will be not in good health condition, including but not limited to cold, high fever, stomach aches, flu, runny nose, etc. After missed classes parents should ask for make up classes, and we will try to find makeup class (maximum 2 makeup classes per 2020-2021 season).


Parents of Siblings at Classes - Parents and siblings should be awaiting the end of the class inside waiting area or outside TBD per COVID-19 restrictionists. While sibling is awaiting the end of the class, for their time spent on the premises of the School, it is recommended to use either books, drawing papers, or any other type of peaceful entertaining.

Thanks for submitting!

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